OpenLM is a worldwide operating software specialist for management and monitoring of network licenses (floating, concurrent user, token based) utilization. OpenLM’s Software provides a comprehensive management solution for license management software such as FLEXlm, FLEXnet, Sentinel RMS, Sentinel HASP, RLM, DSLS, IBM LUM and LM-X.
OpenLM eases the management of diverse license databases, and introduces the option for cost allocation per usage for software licenses, thus reducing usage costs considerably, and minimizing the need for further license acquisition.
The software provides productivity tools for system administrators, managers and end users. OpenLM’s software supports the major trends in the field of license management, e.g.: license consolidation, Usage charge back (usage billing), usage trend analysis etc. The software provides a comprehensive solution that combines the best of breed software, superior support, implementation and consulting services, in order to ensure your success.
OpenLM’s basic software package includes the core OpenLM Server module and its user interface; the OpenLM EasyAdmin module.
In addition to these core components, the OpenLM Broker and the OpenLM Utilizer Agent modules are incorporated in the basic software package, but their installation is not mandatory; The Open LM system can function without the use of these two components.
The OpenLM software package also includes several optional modules / capabilities, which are commonly referred to as “OpenLM extensions”. These extensions provide additional functions such as:
• OpenLM Active Agent (Active release of licenses)
• External DB support
• Groups and projects management
• Role based security
• Option file management
• OpenLM Alerts
• OpenLM Logs Uploader
The OpenLM Extensions are separately licensed:
• Some of them are included within the OpenLM Server but require additional licensing
• Others require the installation of an additional software module.